The Lorraine Francis Community Award

The Lorraine Francis Community Award is presented each year at schools in the Bentleigh electorate.
It is named after the late Lorraine Francis, former principal of St Peter’s Primary School, East Bentleigh. Lorraine served as principal from 1995 until 2005. In fact, she was principal while Member for Bentleigh Nick Staikos was a student at the school.
Nick remembers Lorraine being someone who always taught her students the value of service to others. Whether it was participating in school fundraisers to provide aid for people in remote villages around the world, or for causes closer to home, Lorraine encouraged her students to make the lives of others better. In doing this, she empowered her students to be strong leaders.
The Lorraine Francis Community Award is presented during Term Four. Teachers nominate a student from their highest year level who has demonstrated strong leadership, been involved in causes that improve the lives of others in the community and, most importantly, been a strong role model for other students.
The award is presented at a school assembly, presentation night, graduation ceremony or school mass. Students receive a trophy and a voucher for Benn’s Books, Bentleigh.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr Seuss