2022 Bentleigh Film Festival

2022 Bentleigh Film Festival Main Image

21 June 2022

This year, to celebrate the local area as well as the talent and creativity of young locals, I am running the Bentleigh Film Festival. The theme is Life in Bentleigh (electorate) and entries will be open to secondary school students who live or go to school in the Bentleigh electorate (up to and including 19 years of age).

Overview by Nick Staikos

As a lifelong local resident, I just love the Bentleigh electorate. It’s where I was born, it’s where I grew up and it’s where I went to school.

This year, to celebrate the local area as well as the talent and creativity of young locals, I am running the Bentleigh Film Festival. The theme is Life in Bentleigh (electorate) and entries will be open to secondary school students who live or go to school in the Bentleigh electorate (up to and including 19 years of age).

Three scripts will be chosen to be shot and edited and will then be uploaded to my Facebook and Instagram pages. Each film will be uploaded a week apart and will have one week to REACH the maximum number of people possible. The film that has REACHED the most people on Facebook and Instagram combined will be announced as the winner. Below is everything you need to know before submitting your ideas. Best of luck!

(FYI: Only administrators of my Facebook and Instagram pages will be able to see how many people each film REACHES and therefore the winner will remain a secret until the end of the festival. REACH is not the same as REACTS, COMMENTS or SHARES, but more of any of these will help you REACH more people. You will need to make sure that lots of people REACT, COMMENT and most importantly, SHARE your video with family, friends, colleagues etc.)



Theme: Life in Bentleigh (electorate)

Objective: Plan and produce a short film of up to four (4) minutes in length about life in the Bentleigh electorate. Explore life in the Bentleigh electorate, what makes it unique and what distinguishes it from other parts of Melbourne. We’ve tried to make the topic as broad as possible, so get creative and have fun with your ideas! The Bentleigh electorate includes all or part of the following suburbs: Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, McKinnon, Ormond, Hampton East, Moorabbin, Brighton East, Cheltenham and Highett.


First prize: $1,000

Second Prize: $300

Third Prize: $200


  1. Your film must be no longer than four (4) minutes in length
  2. Your film must be suitable to receive a PG rating
  3. To enter you must be a maximum of 19 years of age and either live or go to secondary school within the Bentleigh electorate
  4. You must fulfil the outlined criteria (see objective) as judged by us
  5. You must meet all the deadlines outlined below
  6. You must submit no more than one (1) script per person or group
  7. Your script must be no longer than four A4 pages of size 11 font in length
  8. You must not use any copyrighted material in your film without permission (copyright free music is available online)


Deadlines & Key Dates

Friday 29 July: Script or treatment due (1-2 pages)

Friday 5 August: Three finalists chosen to produce their scripts

Friday 2 September: Three final films must be submitted (by 5pm)

Monday 5 September at 9am: First film uploaded to Nick’s Facebook

Monday 12 September at 9am: First film expires, second film is uploaded to Nick’s Facebook

Monday 19 September at 9am: Second film expires, third film is uploaded to Nick’s Facebook

Monday 26 September at 9am: Third film expires.

Friday 30 September: Winners at runners up announced


Submission details


Prior to your script please include a title page (not included in page limit) with the following details: your name(s), the name(s) of your parents/guardians, a phone number, address, the school you attend and the name of your script.

Ideally your script will be in .pdf format, but .docx, and .doc formats will also be accepted.

Please send submissions to [email protected] no later than Friday 29 July 2022.


Once your script is chosen, a time can be arranged for you to have a phone chat with Edward, to workshop your idea. Technical help will be available from Ed if needed.

Final film

Submit on a USB, drop box or google drive in either .mp4, .mov, or .avi formats.

Resolution and aspect ratio is your choice, however we would recommend 1920 by 1080 resolution at an aspect ratio of 16:9. Aspect ratios of 4:3, 1.85:1 and 2.35:1 will also be accepted. If you are using footage from different sources or shot on different cameras, you may have a combination of aspect ratios.

Please submit your film in a folder, labelled in the following format: SURNAME_First name_film name.file format. Within that folder please include a text file in either .doc, .docx, .txt, or .pdf with your name, address, phone number and the name and phone number of a parent or guardian.

Ideas & Inspiration

Aside from the criteria outlined above, there are no rules so be creative!

You could do a documentary, mockumentary or narrative film. Your film can be fiction or non-fiction, comedy or drama. You could use footage shot this year, last year, old home videos or non-copyrighted archival footage. You could even use some of our footage (if you ask nicely.)

If selected and you wish to have me in your film, don’t hesitate to ask. 

You can use a DSLR, a digital camera, a phone or a VHS camera. You could be a group of one, or a group of five. As long as you have an idea, you have the potential to be selected as a finalist. We look forward to reading and hearing your ideas. Best of luck!

P.S. Should you have any other questions not covered in this document, please feel free to contact Edward at my office on 9579 7222 or email him at [email protected].